Shine the Light
A Walk to Illuminate Efforts to Defeat Hunger and Homelessness

Matt Talbot Kitchen & Outreach hosted the first SHINE THE LIGHT walk on Sunday, December 10, 2023, at Antelope Park to raise awareness about the challenges faced by people experiencing unsheltered homelessness during the winter. The 1-mile family and group friendly walk was an opportunity for community members to imagine what homelessness feels like in the winter and learn how to help.
After brief remarks from Sampson and the reading of a mayoral proclamation by Lincoln City Council member James Michael Bowers declaring December 10th “Shine the Light” Day, participants walked an illuminated path through the park. Signs were posted throughout the course providing walkers the opportunity to learn about Matt Talbot, homelessness, and how to help.
THANK YOU to the 125 walkers, 13 volunteers, 4 sponsors, and Goldenrod Printing for making this event happen! We received over $7,000 in donations, as well as donations of hand and foot warmers for our guests.
Donations of hand and foot warmers are still being accepted at Matt Talbot through the winter months. Donations can be dropped off Monday – Friday from 8:30 am – 6:30 pm at 2121 N. 27th Street.
It was a beautiful evening and we couldn't have done it without the support of our amazing community.
From everyone at Matt Talbot, thank you!